European Library Japan

European Library

The CEEJA has one of the largest libraries on Japan in Europe, made up of 135,000 works and various art collections made available to the general public and the specialized public. Every year, new donations are recorded. In 2020, Christiane Séguy, honorary professor at the University of Strasbourg donated her books on the Meiji period. The library also received a large collection of several hundred volumes from the estate of Professor Hayami Akira (economic and social historian at Keio University). The holdings also include an extensive periodical library comprising 160 current periodicals, mainly in the Japanese language, which provide access to the latest research results. Emphasis is placed on Japanese economy, law and society (including the "labor" sector). Financially supported in recent years by the Ôsaka Universal Exhibition Commemoration Fund, Sony Europe, Toshiba International Foundation and by the spouses Erich and Regine Pauer, this great European library on Japan helps to strengthen the reputation of CEEJA as Japan center of excellence in Alsace, offering a high quality documentary collection, which can be consulted from all over the world.

In March 2020, then in September-October, part of the collection was presented in the form of an exhibition at the Protestant Media Library in Strasbourg, then at the Media Library Malraux in Strasbourg. In 2021, the move of the CEEJA makes it possible to reflect on the future solution of the large library project which will be implemented in 2022, making it possible to bring together all the CEEJA collections on the same site.


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